Yuko Togami is a drummer born and raised in Saitama, Japan, currently based in New York City.

She grew up surrounded by music, watching her mother teach piano and Eurhythmics. Yuko began playing piano at age five and later picked up marimba, studying classical music until she completed high school. It was during her high school years that she discovered her passion for drums and began taking lessons. After a few years, she started playing as a drummer in Tokyo.

In 2013, Yuko moved to New York City to pursue further studies at City College of New York. With a scholarship from The Kaye Scholars Program, she earned her BFA in jazz performance and received The Pro Musica Award. Since then, she has performed at prestigious venues worldwide, including the Blue Note Jazz Club in New York, the Sunset Sunside Jazz Club in Paris, and Body & Soul in Tokyo. In 2021, she received grants from the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) and presented her project “Moor’d” at Soapbox Gallery. Alongside leading her own groups, she collaborates with various musicians and projects, including Daniel Carter, Hans Tammen’s Third Eye Electric Band, Welf Dorr Group, and Musiq Libre Femmes.

In April 2018, she released her debut album “Dawn” as a bandleader and composer, earning her a Silver Medal at the 2018 Global Music Awards. Yuko proudly endorses Canopus Drums.

高校の音楽科でピアノを専攻する傍ら、ドラムに興味を持ちレッスンを受け始める。高校卒業後、本格的にドラムを学ぶため音楽専門学校にて田中文彦氏に師事。専門学校卒業後より早稲田大学モダンジャズ研究会に所属し、都内のライブハウスを中心に音楽活動を始める。2013年に渡米。ニューヨーク市立大学シティカレッジにて The Kaye Scholars Programより奨学金を得てドラム、作曲、アレンジを学び、同大学BFA学士号及び The Pro Musica Awardを受賞し卒業。在学中はドラムをAdam Cruz、Nasheet Waitsに師事。
現在はニューヨークを拠点に自己のグループでの活動を中心に、ジャンル問わず様々なプロジェクトに参加している。これまでにBlue Note New York、Smalls Jazz Club、Soapbox Gallery、National Jazz Museum in Harlemなどで演奏。また、2022年には『The Blue Dahlia』の一員としてパリの老舗ジャズクラブSunset Sunsideに出演。2018年に自身のオリジナル曲を含むリーダーアルバム 『Dawn』を録音、同年4月にリリース。同アルバムは2018年Global Music AwardsにてSilver Medal – Outstanding Achievementを受賞。2018年よりCanopus Drumsエンドーサーを務める。